{:en}Choose the Right Surface Treatment for Your Bottles for Perfumes: Silk Printing vs. Secondary Oxidation{:}{:es}Elija el tratamiento superficial adecuado para sus frascos de perfumes: impresión en seda frente a oxidación secundaria{:}{:ru}Выберите правильную обработку поверхности флаконов для духов: шелковая печать или вторичное окисление{:}{:de}Wählen Sie die richtige Oberflächenbehandlung für Ihre Parfümflaschen: Siebdruck vs. Sekundäroxidation{:}{:fr}Choisissez le bon traitement de surface pour vos flacons de parfums : impression sur soie ou oxydation secondaire{:}{:ar}اختر المعالجة السطحية المناسبة لزجاجات العطور: الطباعة الحريرية مقابل الأكسدة الثانوية{:}{:it}Scegli il giusto trattamento superficiale per le tue bottiglie di profumo: stampa serigrafica e ossidazione secondaria{:}

{:en} When it comes to designing a bottles for perfumes, surface treatment is a crucial step in enhancing the aesthetic appeal and ensuring protection against damage. There are two commonly used methods for surface treatment: silk printing and secondary oxidation. So, which method provides better quality? Before making a choice, let’s dive into the key…

{:en}Choose the Right Material for Your Spray Glass Bottle: ABS vs. PP{:}{:es}Elija el material adecuado para su botella de vidrio en aerosol: ABS versus PP{:}{:ru}Выберите правильный материал для стеклянной бутылки с распылителем: АБС или ПП{:}{:de}Wählen Sie das richtige Material für Ihre Sprühglasflasche: ABS vs. PP{:}{:fr}Choisissez le bon matériau pour votre flacon pulvérisateur en verre : ABS ou PP{:}{:ar}اختر المادة المناسبة لزجاجة الرش الخاصة بك: ABS مقابل PP{:}{:it}Scegli il materiale giusto per la tua bottiglia spray in vetro: ABS vs PP{:}

{:en} When it comes to designing a spray glass bottle, choosing the right material for the internal support structure is crucial. Two common plastics used in spray glass bottle design are ABS and PP, and they each have unique characteristics that make them suitable for different applications. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is a thermoplastic polymer…

{:en}Plastic Perfume Bottle, Protect Your Liquid: Start with Surface Treatment{:}{:es}Botella de perfume de plástico, proteja su líquido: comience con el tratamiento de la superficie{:}{:ru}Пластиковый флакон для духов: защитите свою жидкость: начните с обработки поверхности{:}{:de}Parfümflasche aus Kunststoff, schützen Sie Ihre Flüssigkeit: Beginnen Sie mit der Oberflächenbehandlung{:}{:fr}Flacon de parfum en plastique, protégez votre liquide : commencez par le traitement de surface{:}{:ar}زجاجة عطر بلاستيكية، احمي سائلك: ابدأ بمعالجة السطح{:}{:it}Bottiglia di profumo in plastica, proteggi il tuo liquido: inizia con il trattamento della superficie{:}

{:en} When it comes to the packaging of liquid products, surface treatment is a crucial step in ensuring protection and enhancing aesthetics. The surface treatment not only adds texture and aesthetic appeal to the container but also provides protection against scratches and other types of damage. In this article, we will explore the differences between…

{:en}Aluminum vs ABS: Which Material is Best for Glass Bottle for Perfume Shells?{:}{:es}Aluminio vs ABS: ¿Qué material es mejor para botellas de vidrio para cápsulas de perfume?{:}{:ru}Алюминий или АБС-пластик: какой материал лучше для стеклянных флаконов для духов?{:}{:de}Aluminium vs. ABS: Welches Material eignet sich am besten für Glasflaschen für Parfümhüllen?{:}{:fr}Aluminium ou ABS : quel matériau convient le mieux aux bouteilles en verre pour coques de parfum ?{:}{:ar}الألومنيوم مقابل ABS: ما هي المادة الأفضل لصناعة العبوات الزجاجية لأغلفة العطور؟{:}{:it}Alluminio vs ABS: quale materiale è il migliore per la bottiglia di vetro per le conchiglie di profumo?{:}

{:en} Perfume sampling has become an integral part of the beauty industry, with consumers avidly seeking out new scents and brands to try. The small size of these sample bottles makes them ideal for testing out fragrances, but the material used for the bottle shell can make a significant impact on their durability and functionality….

{:en}Glass Bottle Spray Custom Order Good Chinese Factory{:}{:es}Botella de vidrio en aerosol, pedido personalizado, buena fábrica china{:}{:ru}Стеклянная бутылка-спрей на заказ, хорошая китайская фабрика{:}{:de}Glasflaschenspray Sonderanfertigung aus guter chinesischer Fabrik{:}{:fr}Verrouillage de bouteille en verre commande personnalisée bonne usine chinoise{:}{:ar}زجاجة رذاذ طلب مخصص مصنع صيني جيد{:}{:it}Ordine personalizzato per bottiglia di vetro spray Buona fabbrica cinese{:}

{:en} Smell is one of the most powerful senses that humans possess, and fragrance has the ability to evoke memories and emotions in a unique way. However, the problem of wanting to change fragrances or the inconvenience of carrying a large bottle of perfume has always plagued perfume users. Luckily, with the introduction of perfume…

{:en}Premium Perfume Bottle Custom Order Good Chinese Factory{:}{:es}Botella de perfume premium pedido personalizado buena fábrica china{:}{:ru}Флакон для духов премиум-класса, индивидуальный заказ, хорошая китайская фабрика{:}{:de}Premium-Parfümflasche, Sonderanfertigung, gute chinesische Fabrik{:}{:fr}Bouteille de parfum premium commande personnalisée bonne usine chinoise{:}{:ar}زجاجة عطر متميزة حسب الطلب من المصنع الصيني الجيد{:}{:it}Ordine personalizzato bottiglia di profumo premium Buona fabbrica cinese{:}

{:en} This premium perfume bottle is made using high-end metal plating technology, making it not only exquisite in appearance but also of superior quality, giving people a sense of luxury! The plated perfume dispenser can help you transfer the fragrance from large bottles to small ones, allowing you to touch up your scent, makeup, and…

{:en}Perfume Bottle Refillable Cheapest China Company{:}{:es}Botella de perfume recargable empresa más barata de China{:}{:ru}Многоразовый флакон для духов, самая дешевая китайская компания{:}{:de}Nachfüllbare Parfümflasche, günstigstes chinesisches Unternehmen{:}{:fr}Bouteille de parfum rechargeable, entreprise chinoise la moins chère{:}{:ar}زجاجة عطر قابلة لإعادة التعبئة أرخص شركة صينية{:}{:it}Bottiglia di profumo ricaricabile più economica azienda cinese{:}

{:en} Did you know that the most popular color for perfume bottle refillable right now is Macaron color? Macaron color is a low-saturation color system, generally dominated by warm and bright colors. The tone is soft and the purity is moderate, highlighting the girlish feel of candy colors. This color is gentle and sweet, making…

{:en}Macaron Pocket Perfume Bottle Customized Best China Manufacturer{:}{:es}Botella de perfume de bolsillo Macaron personalizada Mejor fabricante de China{:}{:ru}Карманный флакон духов Macaron по индивидуальному заказу от лучшего китайского производителя{:}{:de}Macaron Pocket Parfümflasche, maßgeschneiderter bester China-Hersteller{:}{:fr}Bouteille de parfum Macaron Pocket personnalisée, meilleur fabricant chinois{:}{:ar}زجاجة عطر جيب معكرون مخصصة لأفضل مصنع صيني{:}{:it}Bottiglia di profumo tascabile Macaron personalizzata dal miglior produttore cinese{:}

{:en} Macaron color is a soft and fresh light color that is commonly seen in packaging, fashion, home decor, and other fields. This color is usually mixed with soft pink, green, purple, and other colors to present bright, soft, and sweet characteristics. In recent years, Macaron color has become one of the most popular colors…

{:en}The Difference between Matte and Glossy Surfaces in Small Spray Bottle{:}{:es}La diferencia entre superficies mate y brillantes en una botella pulverizadora pequeña{:}{:ru}Разница между матовой и глянцевой поверхностью в маленьком распылителе{:}{:de}Der Unterschied zwischen matten und glänzenden Oberflächen in kleinen Sprühflaschen{:}{:fr}La différence entre les surfaces mates et brillantes dans un petit flacon pulvérisateur{:}{:ar}الفرق بين الأسطح اللامعة وغير اللامعة في زجاجة رذاذ صغيرة{:}{:it}La differenza tra superfici opache e lucide in un flacone spray piccolo{:}

{:en} Have you ever noticed that many packaging materials come in both matte and glossy finishes? The choice between matte and glossy surfaces can have a significant impact on a product’s overall look and feel. In this blog post, we explore the differences between matte and glossy surfaces and how they can affect a product’s…

{:en}Portable Mini Refillable Perfume Atomizer Bottle Private Label Price China Seller{:}{:es}Vendedor de China con precio de etiqueta privada de botella atomizadora de perfume recargable portátil{:}{:ru}Портативный мини-многоразовый флакон-распылитель для духов, цена частной торговой марки, продавец в Китае{:}{:de}Tragbare nachfüllbare Mini-Parfümzerstäuberflasche, Privatmarkenpreis, China-Verkäufer{:}{:fr}Mini bouteille d’atomiseur de parfum rechargeable portable, prix de marque privée, vendeur chinois{:}{:ar}زجاجة رذاذ عطر صغيرة محمولة قابلة لإعادة التعبئة بسعر العلامة الخاصة للبائع الصيني{:}{:it}Venditore cinese con mini etichetta privata per bottiglia di profumo ricaricabile mini portatile{:}

{:en} Packaging materials are ubiquitous in our daily lives. From the cardboard box that holds our Amazon deliveries to the plastic wrapper on our granola bars, packaging materials serve a variety of functions. One type of packaging material that has gained popularity in recent years is shiny surfaces. Shiny surfaces add an element of luxury…