{:en}Choose the Right Surface Treatment for Your Bottles for Perfumes: Silk Printing vs. Secondary Oxidation{:}{:es}Elija el tratamiento superficial adecuado para sus frascos de perfumes: impresión en seda frente a oxidación secundaria{:}{:ru}Выберите правильную обработку поверхности флаконов для духов: шелковая печать или вторичное окисление{:}{:de}Wählen Sie die richtige Oberflächenbehandlung für Ihre Parfümflaschen: Siebdruck vs. Sekundäroxidation{:}{:fr}Choisissez le bon traitement de surface pour vos flacons de parfums : impression sur soie ou oxydation secondaire{:}{:ar}اختر المعالجة السطحية المناسبة لزجاجات العطور: الطباعة الحريرية مقابل الأكسدة الثانوية{:}{:it}Scegli il giusto trattamento superficiale per le tue bottiglie di profumo: stampa serigrafica e ossidazione secondaria{:}
{:en} When it comes to designing a bottles for perfumes, surface treatment is a crucial step in enhancing the aesthetic appeal and ensuring protection against damage. There are two commonly used methods for surface treatment: silk printing and secondary oxidation. So, which method provides better quality? Before making a choice, let’s dive into the key…